The Harlow Report

The Harlow Report-GIS

2023 Edition

ISSN 0742-468X
Since 1978
On-line Since 2000

first published week of:   02/06/2023

Preparing Surveyors to Support Smart Digital Realities

by Gavin Schrock

How can today’s surveyors prepare to best support the growing demand to create Smart Digital Realities? This is the question we posed to Thomas Harring, president of Hexagon’s Geosystems division and CEO of Leica Geosystems.

GoGeomatics: It seems that times of high demand have a Catch-22: everyone is busy, b/ut perhaps too busy to update their tools and methods to meet the increased demand.

Harring: The average is perhaps what you describe; we see surveyors who are leading, and some who are more traditional—this is something we see in many industries. Of course, surveyors are very busy. They all have that in common, especially with the current labor shortages in many places. We can argue whether others could do some of their tasks, but regardless: The high demand is a challenge.

Some may be too busy to be forward-looking and to grow their companies, as you say, but we see many surveying companies of all different sizes and across the world who are highly innovative. They exemplify the very message to the geospatial and surveying community we like to highlight on our website: “Pure surveying and more.” We continue to innovate—as we have done for 200 years. We want to take our surveying community with us on our journey of innovation to help them grow their businesses, for example through reality capture, monitoring and other areas where you need surveying competence and depend on accurate and reliable positional data.

 Read full story at Geomatics Canada